04 June 2007

I've Been Tagged!

Folk artist SweetAnnee has tagged me! "Tagging," for those of you new to the phenomenon (including moi until recently), is when you create a blog post sharing 7 interesting, quirky, or little known facts about yourself, then "tagging"/inviting 3 other bloggers to do the same. I think the idea is for all of us in the blogosphere to get to know each other a little better. I've been tagged before but didn't respond because I was so new to blogging that I felt too timid to ask a blogger I didn't know well to participate with me. I guess a part of us never fully gets over our schoolgirl shyness. In any case, here I go.

Seven Little Known Facts About Me

1. I almost always wear pajamas around the house.
2. My guilty indulgence is reality TV. I am obsessed with watching everyday people in their natural habitats.
3. I have naturally curly hair, but it didn't get that way until I hit puberty. As a little girl, my hair was pin straight. Strange. Wonder what will happen when I have a baby. Back to straight, maybe?
4. Just five years ago, I was in fitness model shape with 13% body fat. I worked very diligently to get into that condition. I would love to attain that level of fitness again. I know I can do it; it's all a matter of committing.
5. My love of homestyling and creating interiors began when I discovered the now-defunct (but rumored to be resurrected soon) Victoria magazine as a pre-teen. At the age of twelve, I would pore over those mags like it was my job. No Teen or Tiger Beat for me, baby.
6. I have two cats. Their names are Skoochie and Schmenckman. Don't ask.
7. In high school, I was an award-winning Speech competitor. My best event was Original Oratory. I wrote my own ten-minute speech about how TV talk shows exploit vulnerable people (see fact #2), then delivered it in three rounds every weekend for a three-month long season.

Have I made myself sound sufficiently kooky?

Okay: Kelly from these flowers, this moon, Jamie from Dahlias, and Kara and Darcy from McMaster and Storm. Tag--you're it!


SweetAnnee said...

Hi Abby, Thanks for "tagging along"!!
and tis true about VICTORIA
..here's the link, I've already ordered mine

Love your BLOG

Abby Kerr Ink said...

Whoo-hoo! Thanks for link, Deena. I will be sure to get a subscription. Let's hope it's as imaginative and beautiful as the first one.

McMaster & Storm said...

I started my "tagged" post. Need to have Matt link you! Darcy & I were up till midnight @ the store!
Jeni Britton of Jeni's Icecreams is coming to hand dip her cool flavors (like salty caramel)at our event! Check out her link on our blog, she has a icecream store in Columbus area, very cool!
Thanks again,
K & D

Abby Kerr Ink said...

Kara & Darcy--

Up 'til midnight at the store? I wonder what you guys were doing... :)

Jeni's is THE best and most creative ice cream. I also have to give it up for Milk & Honey and Taggart's here in Canton. But Jeni's offers something really different--talk about a NICHE!

Can't wait to read your "tagged" post. Thanks for playing along & have a great weekend!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Abby...just peeking in here after enjoying myself thoroughly over on your A Boutique Industry blog! We are kindred spirits, I think. I also live in p.j.'s, had pin straight hair that turned wavy as a teenager and was involved in forensics in high school! Oh and I read (and saved) every issue of Victoria, as well.
Just HAD to share...

Abby Kerr Ink said...


Unreal!!! It's very uncanny how much we seem to have in common. That must be why we're connecting so well here on the blogs.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to getting to you know you better.
